Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend

This has been an incredible weekend. We had a wonderful time celebrating the resurrection of our Savior with good friends. Saturday was the CLC Easter egg hunt at Alameda. Our friends joined us with their 4 kids, after which we went to the Family Christian Book Store in Cranberry, ate lunch together, went to the park and finally to Saturday evening Easter service. We then went back to their house and hung out with them for a couple hours so we were together all day, quite literally. We were planning on doing eggs but somehow the day passed by so quickly that we weren't able to do so. It was a fun time for all of us and I'm glad we were able to spend it together.

This past couple months have been tough fighting off illness and dealing with Amgard screwing John around. They never did start the rig project up again even after they told John several times they were. Mark all the sudden stopped calling or returning messages to John. It's frustrating because John has been an amazing employee for them and now they just blow him off like nothing because they don't have any real work available. I don't understand how they even stay in business at this point, it's crazy. We are anxious for John to start his new position at the post office in Grove City. All he's waiting on at this point is the return of his backround check and drug test screening they did. We're hopeful that he will get his start date by this week. We've had some major answer to prayer and we are very thankful for it.

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