Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lead Me

I am in one of the strangest seasons of my life this year. I don't mind saying that in the past I have worried... I worried a lot! I had so many fears that it left me feeling crippled both physically and emotionally. Fear and worry are not of God, they are spiritual attacks the devil uses to gain control of our minds and hearts. If you allow them to rule your life you are giving the enemy power over you. That being said, the word God gave me this year for him was "Teacher". At first I wondered what I was going to do with that, what did it mean? Well I thought about last year and he was my "Mighty Tower". All year I had so many issues with my families health, John's job/he was gone so much... I felt alone and afraid, like I wasn't sure I could manage things. God was there with me and showed me that once again I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I made big mistakes last year, horrible mistakes and poor decisions but God loved me through them enough to bring me to a better place. I have been praying for God to give me a sense of direction, to show me what he desires from me and though I'm still nowhere near certain what that will be, I'm certain that in trusting his guidance I will make better decisions and be a better wife and mom because of it. I am allowing myself to be a student this year. His student. He is teaching me through self discipline and being in a student mindset that I am capable of learning and growing not only in my faith but also in character and as a Christian. I have a heart for missions and am coordinating a trip for the Appalachian's but I also want to start the Norma Mae Cares Foundation in memory of my mom, bless her heart. She cared for so many and gave so effortlessly love and food to anyone and everyone who entered our home. I take very seriously the task of caring for the orphans and widows, it's what God commands us to do. So yes, this year will have many challenges but I'm facing them without fear and worry and knowing God will lead me, teach me and love me through this new adventure.

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