Saturday, February 9, 2013

*Only Love Remains*

Where has this year gone? I feel like I blinked and it is the middle of February already. I really hope this isn't a sign of what is to come for the next 15-20 years. The thought of my babies growing so quickly makes me want to freeze time and just take a deep breath to enjoy the simpleness that we so often take for granted. Yes, there are a few things that tend to bog us down and we experience some rough spots along the road but really, what is more important than spending time with those we love and enjoying the company of good friends and family?

Grandma Bubba passed away peacefully yesterday and I can't help but to feel a great loss because of the wonderful woman that she was. A constant figure of grace and love among even the most chaotic presence... all the kids, fighting, laughter, tears... she was there to witness it all and never judged, never got angry or bitter. She endured the boys running in her room and playing with her things and entertained them with balls or whatever else she could find. She would slip money in their pockets and send them home with smiles. We will surely miss her but we are so full of love just having been blessed with her presence in our lives.

Ian has been very emotional, he doesn't do well with death or loss but I have been praying for him and talking to him about it openly hoping that any fears that he has, he will openly discuss with us. He is such an emotionally sensitive child, I have no idea why lol. I am most likely to blame but I am proud of how awesome Ian loves. He is empathetic and loving to animals and people alike. We have to be careful what he see's on television or what he hears because he often takes on the cares of the world. I love both of my babies so much. I wish I could shield them from pain forever. Alas, it is our jobs as parents to share the love and peace that Jesus offers us so I find myself doing so more passionately lately in the hopes that it will cause him to reflect upon Bubba's passing in a way that is more positive. Please keep us in prayer this weekend as we prepare to say our "See ya laters". <3

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