Something quite amazing happened tonight and I wanted to be sure that I gave God all of the glory. My back was hurting since early this morning when I woke up. I shouldn't have been sleeping in the boys room on the mattress on the floor but it's become habit when John is working and when we only had the electric heater going in order to avoid turning on the gas for just a week or 2 before our move. Well during the night sometime I must have twisted it wrong or just slept on it poorly. It was so awful this previous morning when I woke up that I couldn't even stand up straight. I was considering making an appointment to see the chiropractor in the morning if it didn't feel better by morning but then something happened that has caused me to since reconsider. A good friend of ours from our amazing church in Butler called and prayed for me. He seen what was going on when I posted a remark on facebook about it and thank God saw that as an opportunity to glorify the Lord by prayerfully going before the throne and asking for complete healing.
I will admit that sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable when people pray over me and that's mostly a sin thing. I guess deep down I don't feel that I deserve God's healing but when that emotion started to interfere in the prayer process I fought though the devils lies and told myself "CLAIM THIS HEALING" as Kevin continued to pray. I started to feel a cold sensation in my lower back where he told me to place my hand. Strangely it started to get warm and travel lower until I stood up and felt the pain leaving. I was able to stand up completely straight and bend over to touch my toes for the 1st time all day. Now as I sit here typing this I feel completely healed of the pain and I know it's only by the grace of God and Kevin's willingness to deliver the prayer of healing. It's wonderful that we can do this for each other. I haven't exactly been feeling great about where I'm at in my relationship with God lately but this was completely uplifting and truly made me feel loved by the one and only savior. I know I have some things to work through and will try to do so a little at a time (baby steps) but getting back to CLC will be a fresh and much needed step. I cannot wait to see all of our friends and family at the one and only Community Life Church. It will feel great being among those we love and care for so much and thank God for the opportunity to leave and come back because we truly know how very blessed we are to have CLC and our amazing Pastor's and friends. A church that is living, thriving and witnessing to the lost. Praise God!